Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Who's Line: Green Screen

Anyone remember Who's Line is it Anyway? That show with Drew Carey as Host. Anyway there was a improv routine (there all improv) where one of the cast would be thrust in front of a green screen as a "reporter" on the scene. As the "anchors" asked questions related to the action in the screen, the guy/gal in front of the screen would have to guess what he/she stood in front of.

Here's and example... according to the title, one of the best:

The implementation in front of live t.v. allows for nearly endless possibilities, including, as in this case, the duplication of cast members. Even though the audience both at home and in the studio is well aware of the action on the screen, the member thrust in front of that green wall has only laughs and simple questions to guide him. Such a difference in view points, with only a few feet to separate the cast member and the audience is only possible with green screen.


Mr. McGowan said...

This segment of the show is often quite funny and well done. It actually demonstrates such a simplistic use of green screen in which there is actually simply a background with no true interaction between the talent and the green screen.

Dunbaritis said...

Wow, Im not sure if this counts as feedback, but that was wicked funny!